
This is a method for shutting off unpleasant thoughts and images.  You can use this approach when you keep having an unpleasant thought or image over and over.  For example, if you keep thinking about a place where someone died and you can't seem to turn the thought off, then you might find this method helpful.  Let's try it.

While you are thinking of your unpleasant thought or image, pinch yourself lightly on the arm and think the word STOP!  Take a deep breath and, as you slowly let it out, think the word CALM and imagine yourself in the most peaceful scene you can think of (for example, lying on the beach, at the mountains or the lake, or relaxing in your backyard).  For at least 20 seconds imagine your peaceful scene in as much detail as you can.  Concentrate on imagining the scene of beauty about you.  Let your body develop a sense of relaxation as you breathe slowly and deeply.  For this method to work, you must use it every time; repeat: every time you start to experience the unwanted thought or image.  The method works by interrupting the unpleasant thoughts or images and by replacing them with positive images.

 Original Source (no longer active):

Some thought-stopping techniques:

Thought Replacement: when an unwanted thought enters, immediately replace the thought with a healthy, rational one.

Yelling 'Stop'': on thinking the unwanted thought, immediately yell STOP. The yell can be out loud or only in the mind. Continue to yell STOP until the unwanted thought ceases.

Substituting a Healthy Thought Pattern: if you have a tendency to think irrationally due to irrational beliefs, you can develop a rational pattern of thinking by challenging every thought that comes to mind, asking: Is this a rational thought? If not, what is irrational about it? What would be a rational replacement for this thought?

Visual Image Replacement: if you have a tendency to visualize negative images, replace these negative images by positive, healthy images.

Aversive Replacements: if you have a tendency to think of an unhealthy behavior in an acceptable manner, immediately replace these acceptable images with more honest images, i.e., thoughts of alcohol, drugs, junk foods can be replaced by the words "poison,'' "unhealthy,'' "disgusting,'' "barf'' or "killers.'' Thoughts of cigarettes can be replaced by "cancer sticks'' or "coffin nails.''

Originally excerpted from (no longer active):